“Camp26 Ads Spot Module”, another style for your joomla! advertisements
Posted in Premium Module by admin On October 22.

Today, there are a great number of advertisement presentation styles used by web developers around the world. One of them is ads spot style. This is a pleasant and comfortable way to show your clients and/or partners advertisements from your site. Do
Camp26 Flywheel Showcase
Posted in Premium Module by admin On July 1.

We are happy to announce the release of our brand new commercial module called Camp26 Flywheel Showcase. As the name suggest, Camp26 Flywheel Showcase displays your image/product showcase in a nice sliding transition, automatically like carousel and always run like flywheel. You
Glossy Album Gallery
Posted in Premium Module by admin On May 14.

Glossy Album Gallery is another module for Camp26 Club. This module shows your photo, picture, portofolio and other images in nice gallery like glossy album at your frontpage with simply for using but special action and special flash mode. You able to
Pro News Ticker
Posted in Premium Module by admin On May 7.

Do you want your Joomla web site have more features? And also have a special addons and more interactive display? Pro NewsTicker module either one. With this module, your Joomla site allows to show several articles title as news ticker based on
Flash Image Banner
Posted in Premium Module by admin On May 2.

We have just released our new module called Flash Image Banner. This module allows to show all active image banners out of the component within your site with flash fade animation. Not only the images, but also that url is enable. This
Daily Flash Image Colection
Posted in Premium Module by admin On April 26.

We have just released our new module called Daily Flash Image Colection. As the name, this module is used to showing you your daily images collection like gallery images with nice Flash Fade Effect. This module really support for JPG, GIF, PNG,
Flash Image Colection
Posted in Premium Module by admin On April 25.

This module is used to showing your image collection in module folder image with Flash Fade Effect on your Joomla 1.5.x native or Joomla 1.0.x native. This module really support for JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP images and work properly in company with
My Special YouTube For J1.5.x and J1.0.x
Posted in Premium Module by admin On March 18.

We have decided to release My Special YouTube For Joomla 1.5.x version and Joomla 1.0.x version too. With this module, we can able to show our YouTube videos in special module positions. For Joomla 1.5.x version able for work properly into Joomla
Carousel Banner For Joomla 1.5
Posted in Premium Module by admin On March 18.

We have decided to release a Joomla 1.5 version for Carousel Banner Module. This Module use mootools for moving implementation. With this module, you able to rotate all your Joomla banner in Joomla 1.5 with a carousel animation.